Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Handwriting Test

Write down the following sentences (2 minutes):

The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
Jack amazed a few girls by dropping the antique vase. The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Write as fast as you can without making mistakes (3 minutes)

How important is spelling? One British academic thinks it may not be so important. He claims  English teachers, scholars, and linguists have been wrong to emphasize the need for correct spelling. He has suggested that various spellings of words should be acceptable if everyone can easily and effectively communicate.

Not everyone agrees, however. Even if English may have many exceptions to established rules, those rules still exist for a reason. Communication is easier with consistent spelling. Good spelling goes hand in hand with good writing, which implies that the reader shouldn't have to re-read sentences to understand the meaning of the writer. Most academics agree that spelling is just as important as good grammar.

With the popularity of text messaging, in which people ignore proper spelling and grammar for speed, it's become more important than ever to follow spelling rules.  What would your impression be of an official letter from the bank or local government with words spelled strangely? Or how would you feel about a glossy business pamphlet which introduced you to a company's products and services, but with numerous spelling mistakes? Equally important, yet also more troublesome, would be a poorly-written business letter or email.  What might the consequences be then?
Handwriting Test:


Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Part One: Obligation

How strict are/were your parents? Were there many things that you had to do? Were there many things that you were not allowed to do?

  • Did you have to help with the housework (cooking/cleaning) ?
  • Did you have to stay home at night?
  • Did you have to come home at a specific time?
  • Did you have to eat something you didn't like?
  • Did you have to go to extra lessons after school or on weekends?
  • Did you have to take care of your younger brother or sister?

Part Two: Advice

  1. I'm bored in Vancouver. What should I do?
  2. I want to feel younger. What should I do?
  3. My best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend just told me that she/he is secretly in love with me. What should I do?
  4. There is a student in class who keeps asking me out on dates. I keep saying no, but he keeps asking. What should I do?

Thursday, March 19, 2015


In the article, “Cramming”, the author focuses on the potential negative effects of all-night studying sessions.  He claims that cramming can be counterproductive, as it may weaken the student’s ability to concentrate during the test.  However, it is difficult to predict the full impact of an all-nighter because the effects differ greatly from person to person.  He also dispels the myth that stimulants help the person to keep a clear head; in fact, they do not.  They only temporarily hide the fact that the person cannot think clearly or focus.  Furthermore, abuse of substances like caffeine and speed can trigger many negative physical or psychological reactions.  Fortunately, the effects of an all-nighter do not generally last long and recovery is quick, provided that the student does not regularly abuse stimulants.  Recognising that all-nighters are not always avoidable, the writer concludes by recommending students use moderation and be careful not to overdo it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

140 Skills Class

Taking too many college courses at once can have potentially serious consequences.

1.  Students can become overwhelmed with the workload, and their GPA can suffer as a result.
2.  Some students can get so stressed that they burn out and are unable to finish their degree.
3.  Other students can be tempted by the use of illegal prescription drugs to help them focus and keep them awake into the night.
4.  Taking more than the average number of courses at the same time can be beneficial for students who want to graduate early.
5.  The pressure of a busy schedule can tempt a student into committing academic fraud, which can lead to expulsion.
6.  Taking on too many responsibilities at work can have similar negative effects.


Read the first chapter from LEAP and answer the five heading questions

Pre-Reading Discussion

How would you define unemployment? What do you think “natural” unemployment is?

Do you believe unemployment is a problem in this country? What about your own country?

Should students be counted as unemployed?

If someone is looking for work but can’t find a job, is he unemployed? If someone is not looking for work and does not have a job, is he unemployed? Is there a difference?

Can unemployment be eliminated? Explain

Reading: Skim the reading quickly and answer these questions:

  1. What is the topic?
  2. How long is it
  3. How many sections are there?
  4. List the sections
  5. Turn the first two heading into questions

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Finish Media 5-1 Part 3

EAP135 Homework

Finish Part B of the Talent document

Taking too many college courses at once can have potentially serious consequences.

1.  Students can become overwhelmed with the workload, and their GPA can suffer as a result.
2.  Some students can get so stressed that they burn out and are unable to finish their degree.
3.  Other students can be tempted by the use of illegal prescription drugs to help them focus and keep them awake into the night.
4.  Taking more than the average number of courses at the same time can be beneficial for students who want to graduate early.
5.  The pressure of a busy schedule can tempt a student into committing academic fraud, which can lead to expulsion.
6.  Taking on too many responsibilities at work can have similar negative effects.
Do some online research and find the answers to these questions:

1. Who were the original six teams in the National Hockey League?

2. Who was Maurice “Rocket” Richard?

3. What was Eaton’s?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Finish Use of English 5-2 Cleft Sentences Part 6 and 7

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Finish Part A of the Talent document

Listen to the song and discuss the meaning of the lyrics with a partner.  Find examples of figurative language in the song.

So guess I got oldI was like trash on the sidewalkI guess I knew whyOften it's hard to just sweet talk
I was old news to you thenOld news, old news to you then
You, you were like glueHolding each of us togetherI slept through JulyWhile you made lines in the heather
I was old news to you thenOld news, old news to you thenFell for the ruse with you thenOld news, old news to you then
And I still see you when I try to sleepI see the garden, the tower, the streetCall out to nobody, call out to meChip on the shoulder, the dime in the teeth
Now I can see howWe were like dust on the windowNot much, not a lotEverything's stolen or borrowed
I was old news to you thenOld news, old news to you then

Monday, March 9, 2015


Write eight sentences using inversion:

1. Never

2. Rarely

3. Only + dependent clause

4. Only + prepositional phrase

5. No sooner

6. Not only

7. Under no circumstances

8. Be creative

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Finish the rest of Use of English 3-4 Exercise 2

Monday, February 23, 2015


Write a one-paragraph response to the following question. Create a new document, give the file a name, and share it with your instructor:

Should students choose a university major because it will be more likely to get them a job or because it is something they really enjoy?

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Finish Use of English 2-3 Conditionals
  1. Should people take medicine every time they feel sick?
  2. Are medications from some countries better than others?
  3. How sick should someone be before they:
    1. stay home from work or school?
    2. go see a doctor?
    3. go to the hospital?

  1. Is there anything about medicine and doctors from your country or culture that you think is unique?
What issues are raised in the video and how do they apply to you and your experience with education?

What is the video saying about technology?

Do you feel that the established education system is outdated and in need of change?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Writing 1-2 Linking Devices Exercise 2

Media 2-1 Khan Academy — Summarize the video in a paragraph
Presentation Order


Thursday, February 12, 2015


Do Writing 1-2 Linking Devices Exercise 1

Monday, February 2, 2015


Choose a famous person (dead or alive, real or fictional) and write three sentences in the impersonal reporting passive style we studied in class today.

And do some online research, take down some info, and be ready to tell me the origins of Christmas trees and the Easter Bunny


Study Drugs


Thursday, January 29, 2015

130 Weekend HOMEWORK

Write one sentence giving three reasons why people get tattoos.

Write one paragraph on the following topic:

Why do we follow fashion trends? You are free to focus on one specific style or fashion item, or you can write about fashion in general.



Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Intensifying 130 Part E
Write 10 sentences using adverb/adjective collocations from Parts C and D

Monday, January 26, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

130 Weekend HOMEWORK

Writing 10-1 Definitions Exercise 2 - Define the term "good job" in 100-200 words.

Use of English 10-7 Success Part 3

Enjoy yourself!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Finish Use of English 10-3 Parts 2 and 3


Finish the definition of a "good parent"

Monday, January 19, 2015


Media 10-1 Amy Chua: follow the link and read the article from the Wallstreet Journal and be ready to discuss the questions with a partner in class tomorrow


Thursday, January 15, 2015

To explore the topic of hoarding, work with a partner and find the answers to the following questions on the Mayo Clinic's site.
  • How does the Mayo Clinic define hoarding? Definition
  • Why do hoarders feel it is important to keep things? Symptoms
  • How are hoarders considered different than collectors? Symptoms
  • What are the five risk factors for hoarding? Risk Factors
  • What are possible negative effects of hoarding? Complications
  • What are the two most common kinds of treatment for hoarding? Treatment

Monday, January 12, 2015

Match the following sentences with one of the eight words

1.  Carmen always goes to bed before 11pm.

2.  James Martin is a multi-millionaire, but he lives in a van.

3.  You are not supposed to say the word “MacBeth” in a theatre.

4.  Det. Lutz was so focused on solving the crime that he could not think about anything else.

5.  I nearly bought a bottle of champagne even though I knew I couldn't afford it.

6.  Some people talk more softly than others.

7.  When he's nervous, my father always straightens his tie.

8.  Felicity has to brush her hair every few minutes, the same number of brush strokes on either side.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

130 Presentation Schedule (Chosen at Random)


1. Lara
2. Leon
3. Yuko
4. Moonyi
5. Rawan


1. Ali
2. Vivi
3. Nawaf
4. Lisa
5. Jiyoung

Friday, January 9, 2015

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Most the modern technological devices meant to make our lives more convenient actually make our lives more complicated.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

  1. Who was Alan Turing?
  2. What was the Turing Machine?
  3. What was the Turing Test?
  4. What was Turing’s most important contribution during WW2?
  5. What crime was he convicted of after the war?
  6. How was he reported to have died?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Speaking test

Use of English 8-3 Future Exercise #2 Part 1

PM Speaking and Listening

1. Where is the Trinh family from? How did they come to Canada?

2. What did the mother of the Trinh family want from her daughters?

3. What are three reasons mentioned to explain why daughters of immigrants earn more money?

Find the following phrases from the text on the robot industry in Japan.  Working with a partner, decide if these expressions are literal or figurative, and then paraphrase them.

1. roll out a new robotic invention

2. from the dazzling to the horrifying

3. music to the ears of many government officials

4. cultural crushes

5. blur the lines between

6. whip up pancakes

7. gathering dust

8. nosedive

Monday, January 5, 2015


Finish Future Ex. 1 and think of a topic for your presentation

  1. What two cultures are being blended?
  2. What was the easiest part of the wedding for them? Why?
  3. How did they blend their cultures
    1. in terms of food
    2. in the wedding ceremony
  4. Why was it important for them to blend the cultures at their wedding?