Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Handwriting Test

Write down the following sentences (2 minutes):

The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
Jack amazed a few girls by dropping the antique vase. The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Write as fast as you can without making mistakes (3 minutes)

How important is spelling? One British academic thinks it may not be so important. He claims  English teachers, scholars, and linguists have been wrong to emphasize the need for correct spelling. He has suggested that various spellings of words should be acceptable if everyone can easily and effectively communicate.

Not everyone agrees, however. Even if English may have many exceptions to established rules, those rules still exist for a reason. Communication is easier with consistent spelling. Good spelling goes hand in hand with good writing, which implies that the reader shouldn't have to re-read sentences to understand the meaning of the writer. Most academics agree that spelling is just as important as good grammar.

With the popularity of text messaging, in which people ignore proper spelling and grammar for speed, it's become more important than ever to follow spelling rules.  What would your impression be of an official letter from the bank or local government with words spelled strangely? Or how would you feel about a glossy business pamphlet which introduced you to a company's products and services, but with numerous spelling mistakes? Equally important, yet also more troublesome, would be a poorly-written business letter or email.  What might the consequences be then?
Handwriting Test:
