In the article, “Cramming”, the author focuses on the potential negative effects of all-night studying sessions. He claims that cramming can be counterproductive, as it may weaken the student’s ability to concentrate during the test. However, it is difficult to predict the full impact of an all-nighter because the effects differ greatly from person to person. He also refutes the myth that stimulants help the person to keep a clear head; in fact, they do not. They only temporarily hide the fact that the person cannot think clearly or focus. Furthermore, abuse of these substances like caffeine and speed can trigger many negative physical or psychological reactions. Fortunately, the effects of an all-nighter do not generally last long and recovery is quick, provided that the student does not regularly abuse stimulants. Recognising that all-nighters are not always avoidable, the writer concludes by recommending students use moderation and be careful not to overdo it.
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