Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Use of English 10-4 Intensifying (Yes, this is correct, from unit 10)
Part one, three and four


Do some research on the following:

What are the origins of Santa Claus?  Where did the story come from?  Where does his name originate from?  Where does our classic image of Santa come from?

Write some sentences on the topic so you can discuss is with a partner in tomorrow's class.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Finish the document shared with you today in class:  Body Language of Charisma

Friday, December 14, 2012


Use of English 11-3 Vocabulary Focus

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Finish the exercise that we were doing in class today:  Reading - Buying Fakes part one

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012


Use of English 10-2
Writing Section, Unit 10, Register Exercise

Rewrite the paragraph in more formal English.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Writing 10-1 Part 5

Part Five: Many people would consider Anita Roddick to have a “good job”. The comment, “I want a good job and be rich” is commonly heard by the younger generation these days, but few can actually articulate what is meant by this statement.  In an interesting article of 200-250 words, explain what this statement means to you.  Use the web to find examples of people who do have a “good job”.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Write sentences of your own with the following dependent prepositions/prepositional phrases

1. on behalf
2.  to my knowledge
3.  defined as
4.  attach to
5.  result in
6.  result from
7.  in response
8.  fear of
9.  object to
10.  balance between

Complete Use of English 10-3 Part 3

Monday, December 3, 2012


Reading 9-1
Also finish the homework from Sunday if you have not already done so.
Follow the link below and read the New York Times article on Determination.
In your own words, in one or two sentences each, briefly summarize the views of the following people mentioned in the article:

David Shenk

K. Anders Ericsson

Dean Simonton

Angela Ducksworth

Daniel H. Pink

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Use of English 9-2
 Part 2 #1 and 2
 Part 3

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

130 Homework

Use of English 8-6 Frankenstein's Creator

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Writing 8-3 Sentence Transformation

Use of English 8-4 Believe the Eyes
130 Implanted Chips

After you have read the article, answer these questions with a partner, in your own words when possible

1.  What event sparked such interest in this technology?
2.  Why did Warwick postpone development of this product?
3.  Why are some companies reluctant to sell products like this?
4.  What are some other available techno-products for child safety?
5.  What are some of the risks or problems involved in implanting these chips?
6.  What is Eliot’s opinion about our perception of crime rates?
7.  Would you consider implanting a chip like this in your own child?  Why or why not?
8.  Find two synonyms for kidnap used in the article
8.  Vocabulary
Find these words in the text, look at how they are used in context and explain each with a brief definition or synonym:
shy away
in conjunction
guinea pig

in the long run

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012


Read the first two sections of Lamb to the Slaughter, which is in your inbox, and be ready to discuss the questions in tomorrow's class.

Use of English 7-2 Narratives Part Four

Use of English 7-5 Linking Devices
PM 1

Friday, November 16, 2012


A)  Work on your presentations

B)  Finish the sentences on formal relative clauses

C)  Optional.  If you are looking for further practice, follow the link below to good reading exercise from the University of Victoria

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Use of English 7-4  Process
Develop the steps of the paper-making process into a cohesive paragraph.

Reading 7-1 How Fair Trade Works
Put the paragraphs in a logical order.

Friday, November 9, 2012

130 HOMEWORK for the long weekend

Read the article "Culture of Incivility" and answer the questions.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

130 HOMEWORK Wednesday

In one or two paragraphs, summarize the views of Farhad Manjoo and Joanne Saul on the future of bookstores.

Q podcast:  the Bookstore Debate
 Open the link and read the interview

Answer the following questions:

1.  Is Pritchard optimistic about future book sales? Give two reasons

2.  How will books change in coming years?

3.  Will writers have to change?

4.  In his opinion, what will happen to bookstores?

5.  How does he respond to the notion that electronic books allow for increased piracy?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

130 HOMEWORK Tuesday

Use of English 5-5

Writing 5-2 Metaphor part B and C

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Do the Word Building exercise that I shared with you. It is in your inbox.  Also, give me some of your own examples of negative inversion.

1.  never
2.  only + if
3.  only + preposition
4.  no sooner
5.  at no time
6.  your choice

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1.  What is the main point of the article?

2.  The author defends meat consumption by arguing the difference between industrial and traditional farming methods.  What are three of those differences?

3.  He suggests that vegetarians are also part of the environmental problem.  How so?

4.  What is his point about rice farming?

5.  With a partner, define the following words, identify what part of speech they are, and, when possible, give an example of a related word (noun form, verb form, adjective form, etc)


Monday, October 22, 2012

130 HOMEWORK October 22:

Watch the first part of the David Suzuki Documentary in Media 4-1 and answer the questions in a document or notebook (as in, write your answers down so you don't forget)

Friday, October 19, 2012

130 HOMEWORK,  October 20-21

Follow the link and check out the Guardian's interactive report on the growth of the world's megacities, including images, video and articles.  Then answer the questions below IN YOUR OWN WORDS when possible.

1.  Why does the article refer to these as "cities on steroids"?
2.  Define a "megacity"
3.  Where will the majority of the world's megacities be in 2025?
4.  What is the difference between the prospective growth of New York versus Tokyo?
5.  How has government strategy toward favelas in Sao Paulo changed over the years?
6.  What is the issue facing the people of Makoko in Lagos?  What is the proposed solution?
7.  What percentage of Dhaka's population live in slums?
8.  What are some challenges facing the hospitals of Dhaka?
9.  What are planners intending for the Pearl River Delta in China?

1.  What is Brand’s main point about squatter cities?

2.  What are the difficulties when a squatter city is first established?
    How do those issues change over time?

3.   What are the advantages for women?

4.   How are squatter cities good for the environment?

5. What is his point when he mentions New York and London?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Use of English 3-4 Exercise 2 Part 2

Use of English 3-5 Phrasal Verbs

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

130 Homework October 17

For each word, identify the part of speech and create a "word family" including a noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

differ emphatic
inventive inconvenient
compete glory
symbol equally
deeply general
decision simply
beautify pure
prohibit free
originate photograph

Monday, October 15, 2012

130 Homework Monday October 15

Use of English 2-3 Conditionals Part One only

Writing 2-2 Joining sentences - finish part 2, 3 and 4 of the exercise we started in class today.

Thank you!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Media 2-2 Watch the video on Steve Jobs and do the exercise.

Revise your summaries on Khan Academy, ensuring that all the main points are included.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

130 Homework Wednesday night

Media 2-3 Why School Kills Creativity

Watch the video and answer the questions in the exercise.
Remember that the assignment is NOT just to watch the video, but to answer the questions; therefore, multiple viewings may be necessary.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

130 Homework Tuesday

Use of English 2-4 and 2-5

Watch the video on Khan Academy if you had difficulty with it in class today, or if you missed specific details .  We will be discussing in further in class on Wednesday so be sure it is fresh in your mind.

Monday, October 1, 2012

130 Homework

Read the other two parts (A,B and C) that we read in class and summarize the main points of the article for discussion in tomorrow's class.
PM1:  click the link and read the article by Elizabeth Wong.  Afterwards, answer the questions on the document title "A Present for Popo", which is in your inbox.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Read the short story that is waiting for you in your inbox.  We will be discussing it in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Use of English 11-3

Choose a superstition from your country and research its origin

Monday, September 17, 2012


Read the essay in your inbox entitled "the Dangers of Cramming".  Above each paragraph, write the main idea in the form of a sub-heading.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Reading 11-6.  Read the article and do the first part of the exercise, letters a to p
Also, have fun

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Use of English 11-4

Exercise on combining sentences

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Possible Answers for last night's assignment:

1.  They are not going to renew an agreement because of the company’s failure to produce sufficient business.

2.  The main office requires a significant amount of assistance training new staff owing to the number of recent resignations.

3.  The student’s lack of cooperation led to their inability to reach an agreement.

4.  His condition deteriorated  because of complications during surgery.

5.  He demonstrated his talent and was then given the opportunity to excel in the company.

Monday, September 10, 2012

MONDAY Sept. 10

Rewrite the following sentences in more formal English.

1.  They are not going to sign an agreement again because the company hasn’t produced enough

2.  The main office needs lots of help training new people because many workers have quit recently.

3.  The students did want to work together, so they were unable to agree on a topic for their project.

4.  His health got worse because there were problems during his operation.

5.  He showed his talent and was then given the chance to move up in the company.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

130 HOMEWORK Thursday

Follow the link below and read the New York Times article on Determination.
In your own words, in one or two sentences each, briefly summarize the views of the following people mentioned in the article:

David Shenk

K. Anders Ericsson

Dean Simonton

Angela Ducksworth

Daniel H. Pink

Friday, August 17, 2012

130 Homework

Essay Assignment:  Choose one of the following topics for a comparison/contrast essay

1.  Two people from your country who have influenced social change.

2.  Occupy Wall street and the Arab Spring.

3.  Two social movements from your country.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

130 Homework

Write a paragraph comparing/contrasting the lives and work of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi.

Finish the sentences on formal relative clauses

Reading 7-1 How Fair Trade Works

Monday, August 13, 2012

130 Homework Monday, August13

Open the Hyper Parent document in your drive.  Follow the link to the NY times interview with Carl Honore.  Read it and answer the questions for tomorrow's class.

Have fun.

Friday, August 10, 2012

If art is a minority interest, should the government spend money funding it, or should the government use the money for more important things?

Three paragraphs, 250-300 words


Thursday, August 9, 2012

 Open the link and read the interview

Answer the following questions:

1.  Is Pritchard optimistic about future book sales? Give two reasons

2.  How will books change in coming years?

3.  Will writers have to change?

4.  In his opinion, what will happen to bookstores?

5.  How does he respond to the notion that electronic books allow for increased piracy?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

130 Homework

Please do exercise 6-4 in the Use of English section, as well as Reading 5-1, not 6-1, which we did not complete last week.


Monday, July 30, 2012

Listen to the song and read the lyrics.  Be prepared to discuss the figurative language within the song in tomorrow's class.

Also, complete Writing 5-1 Part Two

Monday, July 23, 2012

130 HOMEWORK for JULY 23

Unit 4, Media 4-1

Watch the first part of the documentary on David Suzuki and answer the "discussion questions" in a document for tomorrow morning.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Homework 130 class.

I have sent you an email with two exercises attached for homework.  Also, in a short paragraph, summarize the main points of the article you read in class today.  Thanks.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

130 Homework

What does it mean to "keep up with the Joneses"?  How does this idea affect people in your country?

Write ONE paragraph about a time you experienced peer pressure.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Answer the questions on GATTACA that I have shared with you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

130 Homework.  Reading 11-3.  Disregard the discussion questions at the beginning.  Just the reading. Have  FUN!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Choose a topic and write a 250-300 word comparison/contrast essay.

1.  Compare/contrast two social movements of your choice.
2.  Compare/contrast two people from your country who brought about social change.
3.  Compare/contrast one social movement in two different countries (feminism in the US/Canada and your country.
4.  Compare the social climate of your country with another.  Are the people in your country more or less likely to express dissatisfaction through social movement than other countries?  Why?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Homework for Thursday, May 10.

Use of English 6-6
Write an example sentence for each of the following words:


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Essay Question:

If the arts are a minority interest, should the government give millions of dollars to support museums, artists, performances, etc, or should the money be spent on more important things?,cntnt01,print,0&cntnt01articleid=7&cntnt01showtemplate=false&cntnt01returnid=51

Follow the link and read the article on culture shock

Friday, May 4, 2012

Listen to this song by the Velvet Underground, read the lyrics, and write a paragraph or two explaining the metaphor/s in the song.