Monday, September 24, 2012


Read the short story that is waiting for you in your inbox.  We will be discussing it in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Use of English 11-3

Choose a superstition from your country and research its origin

Monday, September 17, 2012


Read the essay in your inbox entitled "the Dangers of Cramming".  Above each paragraph, write the main idea in the form of a sub-heading.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Reading 11-6.  Read the article and do the first part of the exercise, letters a to p
Also, have fun

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Use of English 11-4

Exercise on combining sentences

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Possible Answers for last night's assignment:

1.  They are not going to renew an agreement because of the company’s failure to produce sufficient business.

2.  The main office requires a significant amount of assistance training new staff owing to the number of recent resignations.

3.  The student’s lack of cooperation led to their inability to reach an agreement.

4.  His condition deteriorated  because of complications during surgery.

5.  He demonstrated his talent and was then given the opportunity to excel in the company.

Monday, September 10, 2012

MONDAY Sept. 10

Rewrite the following sentences in more formal English.

1.  They are not going to sign an agreement again because the company hasn’t produced enough

2.  The main office needs lots of help training new people because many workers have quit recently.

3.  The students did want to work together, so they were unable to agree on a topic for their project.

4.  His health got worse because there were problems during his operation.

5.  He showed his talent and was then given the chance to move up in the company.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

130 HOMEWORK Thursday

Follow the link below and read the New York Times article on Determination.
In your own words, in one or two sentences each, briefly summarize the views of the following people mentioned in the article:

David Shenk

K. Anders Ericsson

Dean Simonton

Angela Ducksworth

Daniel H. Pink